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This will depend on your  target audience.  If you  sell to consumers, then social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest are great for  organic reach and sharing.

As part of our monthly management fees, we ask that each client have a budget that we can use to drive engagement.

Having  engaging content is key to improving your quiz uptake. Interactive content has a  much higher uptake in ad campaigns and on your own site

With proper content and a compelling offer, you should see results within the first 2 months, which should grow exponentially thereafter

Quizzes are communication tools that can be used as fact finding, engagement  tools,  and more,  so  putting thought into this is important.

We offer a 30 day trial period for all new users

From content creation, to ad serving we provide a full suite of services

Customer responses are a great tool to guide your marketing strategy. By  hearing directly  from your target audience, you  can use that data to build your go-to-market campaigns

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