programmatic quizzes for station groups

Tailored specifically for station group sales operations.

Low Response Rates

Traditional methods like phone surveys or mailers often have low response rates. Busy listeners may not have time to participate, and response bias can skew the results towards those with strong opinions.

Limited Data

These traditional methods also tend to provide limited data. You might get a yes/no answer or a single rating, but it's hard to get in-depth feedback on why listeners like or dislike certain programs or DJs.

Lack of Specificity

Even with online surveys, listeners might give vague feedback. They might say they like a program, but not elaborate on what aspects they enjoy.

The Services

Optimize your social efforts for greater impact.

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Stop Guessing, Start Knowing, Unleash Listener Love

Reaching the Right Audience

Radio stations often have a specific target demographic. But how do you ensure you're getting feedback from that exact group? Online surveys can be susceptible to anyone filling them out, skewing the data.

Keeping Up With Technology

Listeners are increasingly consuming content online and on-demand. Radio stations need feedback methods that can capture preferences across these different platforms.

Data Overload

With the rise of social media, there's a constant stream of listener opinions. However, it can be overwhelming to sift through this data and identify actionable insights.

Stop Guessing, Start Knowing: Unleash Listener Love

Feedback across all platforms

Capture insights from your app, website, and social media, giving you a 360-degree view of your audience.

Actionable insights at your fingertips

Our platform transforms raw data into easy-to-understand reports, empowering you to make data-driven decisions that keep listeners hooked.

Success Campaign on Social

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Station Groups

We Help You Grow Your Business Without Growing Your Team

Interactive Dashboard

Spend less time keeping up and more time looking forward.

Efficitur finibus mus feugiat turpis integer. Neque donec nascetur sodales efficitur vitae lacinia massa consectetur mattis eu. Blandit volutpat finibus himenaeos fermentum dapibus pede.